Unit - 13
Objective: Learn to plan an effective teaching/learning process.
Unit -16
Objective: Understand and learn to use assessment to promote and enhance learning.
Unit - 14
Objective: Understand the types of lessons to be planned for Young learners and Teenagers.
Unit - 15
Objective: Understand the importance of using resources effectively.

Lanka TEFL Training Institute
OFQUAL UK Regulated/TQUK Endorsed TEFL/TESOL Certificate

Pre school teacher
Pre School Teacher
Childhood can be recognized as the most crucial stage of human life.The main reason cited as even if an individual is becoming as a youth or old , the experience one such person gain will overall influence throughout his/her entire life.
When a study was carried out , during the post seventies regarding the Pre School Teacher duties and attributes, the focus was mainly drawn toward this stage. At present all the nations in the world either developed or being developed, Pre School Education sector remained mainly focused.
Should be well versed in the child development areas such as Language, Aesthetic,Physical , Mental,Social and Emotions.
Should have developed knowledge regarding Child Immunization and Nutrition.
Should have attend abilities, regarding first Aid during minor injuries and accidents.
Should have understood the domestic environment of the child.
Should have engaged a coordinated planning for teaching.
Should be a developer of Learning /Teaching materials and the correct user of them during Teaching.
Should have understood the importance of Activities related to the practical life of the child.
Should be a developer of storytelling , listening , describing, abilities in children.
Should be a developer of creative expression abilities in children.
Should have comprehended the various methodologies to understand children.
Also many Developed Countries , pay special attention towards the pre school teacher.The scholars and administrators of those countries believe the pre school teacher should mostly develop his/her virtues in a way to suit the existing culture of his /her own Country.
The salient feature when observing the above that strike unto one's mind is, Education of any country may have its aims and objectives.When accomplishing those ideals, it can be stated that achieving them through pre school education must be powerful and should be prioritized. The quality of such pre school Education is determined by the professional and the skills of the pre school teacher.
Admission Requirements:
Applicants should be over 18 years of age
And should have passed at least in six subjects including Mathematics
And First Language at the General Certificate (Ordinary Level) Examination.
A good knowledge in the language medium selected will be an advantage.
G.C.E. (O/L) with “C” pass in English
G.C.E. (A/L) with two subjects for Local and London examinations or equivalent qualification
Untrained pre-school teachers
Those who wish to run their own pre-school
Documents required for Registration:
When you come for Registration you need to bring:
1. National identity card and a photocopy
2. Original Birth Certificate and a photocopy
3. Any other educational credentials
4. Recommendation and Experience letters.
5. Three passport size photographs (35 mm x 45 mm)
6. TEFL application form
7. CV
Course Outline
Principles of Pre-School Education
Child Psychology
Development of Language Skills
Development of Mathematical Concepts
Environment Awareness
Aesthetic and Creative Activities
Methodology and preparation of Teaching Aids
Health and Nutrition
Organization and Management of Pre-school
General English
Teaching Practice
Medium of Instruction : Sinhala / English and Tamil
Target Group:
(a)For those who conduct their own Pre-Schools and / or
(b)For those who intend to be/ presently working as pre-school teachers or creche workers and/ or
(c)For young mothers who wish to gain knowledge of correct ways of bringing up their children
Mode of Delivery : Physical Classroom / Online & Blended Learning
Practical Work:
Apart from Theoretical Courses there is a Practical training in Pre-school Education which includes guided teaching practice, preparation of teaching aids and observation at the pre-schools located in :
(Colombo) Dehiwala,
Matara and
Regional Centres as well as at many other selected Pre-schools throughout the country. These Practical sessions are compulsory.
Assessment includes Continuous Assessment and Final Evaluation.
i. Continuous Assessment-is conducted through a specified number of compulsory assignments. Students are required to submit these assignments, which will be graded and returned together with the tutor's comments.
ii. Final Evaluation-each course (other than the project) will be evaluated on the basis of a written examination of three hours duration.The written examination consists of eight question papers.
iii. Three practical components are assessed separately.
Who should Enrol :
Aspiring teachers : who want to begin their careers as an early childhood instructor
Teachers : who are looking for an up-gradation as well as a review of the teaching methods and tactics
Young mothers : who want to be an effective educator at home for their children
Homemakers : who are looking to take up a job that will help in maintaining the work-home balance
Career changers : who want a shift in their career
Entrepreneurs : who are interested in opening pre-school
Student : after O/L and A/L
Teachers : Planning to migrate
Anyone else: who would like to become a Pre - school teacher
Note :
Assignments and the final exam should be completed in English for students who have registered for the English medium.
If not, your script won't be graded, and you could have to repeat the appropriate course's final exam.
When there are at least 20 students enrolled in each of the aforementioned centers, the program will begin there..
Free : Participants may enroll in a free English language course.
Available in the training period
Sinhala Medium
Full Time
Course Code: TEFLPRE/S - 101
Course Duration: 12 Months
Days : Monday to Friday
Time : 9.00 am to 3.00pm
Starting on :
29th September 2024
Registration deadline :
06th September 2024
Payment deadline :
13th September 2024
Course starting location:
Non refundable registration Fee : Rs. 10,000/
Course Fee: Rs.80,000/
Total Amount : Rs.90,000/
Pay in Installment : 10 Months
Total : Rs. 8,000/ X 10 = Rs.80,000/
Pay the total amount at once and get a discount of Rs.10,000/.

English Medium
Part Time
Course Code: TEFLPRE/E - 202
Course Duration: 12 Months
Days : Saturday & Sunday
Time : 9.00 am to 3.00pm
Starting on:
29th September 2024
Registration deadline :
06th September 2024
Payment deadline :
13th September 2024
Course starting location:
Non refundable registration Fee : Rs.15,000/
Course Fee: Rs. 80,000/
Total Amount : Rs: 95,000/
Pay in Installment : 10 Months
Total : Rs.8,000 X 10 = Rs.,80,000/
Pay the total amount at once and get a discount of Rs.15,000/.

Tamil Medium
Part Time
Course Code: TEFLPRE/T - 400
Course Duration: 12 Months
Days : Saturday & Sunday
Time : 9.00 am to 3.00pm
Starting on:
29th September 2024
Registration deadline :
06th September 2024
Payment deadline :
13th September 2024
Course starting location:
Non refundable registration Fee : Rs.10,000/
Course Fee: Rs.80,000/
Total Amount : Rs. 90,000/
Pay in Installment : 10 Months
Total : Rs.8,000 X 10 = Rs.80,000/
Pay the total amount at once and get a discount of Rs.10,000/.